========================================================= Made in Norway, April 29, 2007 ========================================================= ------General Information-------------------------------- Title : kz_kzsca_mineblock Version : FINAL Author : Chrizzy E-mail : chrizzy_89@msn.com Please visit : www.xtreme-jumps.eu - www.kz-scandinavia.com - www.kzmaps.eu - www.phoogi.com Please idle (Q-net): #Xtreme-Jumps - #kz-scandinavia -#Chrizzy - #PhooGi ------Play Information----------------------------------- Mod : Counter Strike Spawn points : 32 ------Map Information-------------------------------------- Solids : 2693 Faces : 16187 Point Entities : 341 Solid Entities : 162 Total Entities : 503 Texures : 64 Texture memory : 6550274 bytes (6.40 MB) ------Construction-------------------------------------- Editor(s) used : Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 BETA Other Utils used : Zonerīs HL Tools 2.5.3 - Nemesis Batch Compiler 3.1.2 Build Time : ~ 15 hours Compile Time : 9 Minutes Compile machine : Inter Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz , 2GB RAM ------Credits-------------------------------------- Special thanks to Micr0n, soul|ftw, thopa, flaip, eXcaL, omilo, elITe^ and Count