It's second day without sleep, it's almost impossible to fall asleep. Anxiety is shrinking my brain… Don't know why this is happening to me, 36 hours without sleep and i am still alive with those monster creatures in my head. Okay, going to cover myself with a blanket and hope to pass through this dark shit. After 2 hours, i started to feel something on my chest like something is sitting there… body is paralysed, impossible to move anything, only eyes. something touched my bed… I am crying wtf. My whole body is shaking because of fear, maybe anxiety attacks? No, it's just sleeping paralysis. That monster is trying to open my eyes, nah fuck it, may it end. I can hear something like white noise and sparking. After a few MINUTES of psychic suffering it's gone. I opened my eyes and it's morning, my pulse is over 140, head is shaking, heartbeat is only thing i can hear, why the fuck is this happening to me, demons don't like me. update v1: sc found and fixed changed some weird textures some ports werent teleporting - fixed update v2: very bad brushwork fixed (hopefully) added sound of heartbeat and sleeping paralysis changed textures few of blue "crystals" in water tried to balance some jumps added backstory to this map (happened to me like 6months ago) added spr1n sprites file update v3: faded heartbeat to silence for 20secs after start (thanks chichin) update v4: changed 2 jumps