+-----------------------+ + PsYxOpAt + + Presents + + 'cc_snowcliff' + +-----------------------+ ----------------------* Info *-------------------- Author : PsYxOpAt E-mail address : psyxopat@abv.bg,psyxopat@gmail.com Websites : www.Xtreme-jumps.eu,www.Bulgarian-kreedz.net,www.Climbers-germany.de,www.Cosy-climbing.net,kz-pictures.eu,kz-scandinavia.com -------------------* Description *---------------- This is a Counter-Strike Jumping map.This is my 1st climb map hope you like it :). The map is build and dedicated to Cosy-climbing`s team <3. ------------------* construction *---------------- Editor(s) used : Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Wally 1.55B TextureMaker v2.81 Batch Compiler ZHLT 3.4 Final Build time : almost 2 mounth Spawn points : 32 Solids : 423 Faces : 2631 Point entities : 294 SolidEntities : 84 Unique textures : 40 Texture memory : 3469824 bytes [3.39 MB] WADs used : psy.wad,psyxop.wad,psyxopat.wad,psyxopa.wad